2008年11月20日 星期四

Teacher Schneider's "I have learned that..."

在參加 Highlands Elementary School Book Fair 的時候, 我們經過了 Kevin 的班上, 看到了 Teacher Schneider 在門口貼了一張 "I have learned that..." (The world is our classroom.) 覺得很有教育意義. 因此就將它拍照下來分享給大家:
I have learned that most of the things I worry about never happen. (Age 64)
I have learned that every great achievement was once considered impossible. (Age 47)
I have learned that you can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. (Age 7)
I have learned that if there were no problems, there would be no opportunities. (Age 19)
I have learned that it does not cost anything to be nice. (Age 66)
I have learned that the impossible thing is not what others think of me, but what I think of me. (Age 38)
I have learned that even the simplest task can be meaningful if I do it in right spirit. (Age 72)
I have learned that in every face-to-face encounter, regardless of how brief, we leave something behind. (Age 45)
I have learned that whenever I decide something with kindness, I usually make the right decision. (Age 66)
I have learned that if you spread the peas out of your plate, it looks like you ate more. (Age 6)
I have learned that regardless of color or age, we all need the same amount of love. (Age 37)
I have learned that education, experience, and memories are three things that no one can take from you. (Age 67)
I have learned that motel mattresses are better on the side away from the phone. (Age 50)
I have learned that the simple things are the most satisfying. (Age 63)
I have learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering up someone else. (Age 17)
I have learned that successful living is like playing a violin---it must be practiced daily. (Age 70)
I have learned that if you laugh and drink soda pop at the same time, it will come out of your nose. (Age 7)
I have learned that a sunroof is worth the extra cost. (Age 29)
I have learned that optimists live longer than pessmists. (Age 84)
I have learned that happiness is like perfume, you can't give it away without a little on yourself. (Age 59)
I have learned that when someone hurts your feelings, it is unimportant unless you persist in remembering it. (Age 68)
I have learned that there is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. (Age 48)
I have learned that if you smile at people, they will almost always smile back. (Age 81)
I have learned that home made Toll House cookies should be eaten while still warm. (Age 29)
I have learned that we grow when we push ourselves beyond what we already know. (Age 53)
I have learned that never to underestimate the potential and power of human spirit. (Age 82)
I have learned that everyone has something to teach. (Age 51)
I have learned that ...

你學到了什麼呢? 在當下的這個年紀...
剛收到一個 mail: 得到或是學到... (人生不是得到, 就是學到...很有意思的話. 因為今年大家都投資失利了, 沒有任何 "得到", 但是我們都 "學到" 了, 那就是不能 "貪", 雷曼兄弟的例子可以讓我們引以為戒, 經濟學家說: 其實股市或基金裡所損失的那些錢從來都不曾存在過, 大家追求的不過只是一個股價的想像而已. Less is More! 簡單的生活最真實, 也最快樂! 我今年學到了, ...


